Opening of «Thinking with Sight: 100 Years of Lucius + Annemarie Burckhardt»
29.1.25, 6 pm
We warmly invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Thinking with Sight: 100 Years of Lucius + Annemarie Burckhardt" on Wednesday, 29 January 2025, at 6 pm. An exhibition organised by the association "Events for the 100th Anniversary of Lucius Burckhardt 2025" in collaboration with the University Library Basel.
In 2025, Lucius Burckhardt would have turned 100 years old. Whether as editor-in-chief of the journal of "das Werk", as a university lecturer, or as a columnist: throughout his life, he was preoccupied with how we perceive and shape our cities and landscapes, as well as how we can maintain and protect them. He was always in professional dialogue with and supported by his wife Annemarie Burckhardt-Wackernagel. The fruitful collaboration between these two influential public figures will be the focus of the exhibition at the University Library of Basel from 30 January to 13 August 2025.
At the opening, Thomas Kissling (Chair of the exhibition association and Head of the VOGT offices), Jennifer Degen (Co-curator, Storie Cultural Agency Basel), and Alice Keller (Director of UB Basel) will be present, with an apéro. Meeting point: 6 pm, University Library Main Building, Lecture Hall (1st floor). We look forward to welcoming you !
For further details please follow the link:
University Basel
Pictures from the Dia Archive of Lucius Burckhardt's Collection