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Music for a guest - SRF Kultur

12.02.2023, 12:38 Uhr, Radio SRF 2 Kultur


Music for a guest

Günther Vogt, landscape architect


The outdoor spaces of the Tate Modern in London or the Masoala Hall in the Zurich Zoo - with his landscape architecture, Günther Vogt shapes the urban space inside and outside of shells made of concrete, steel and glass.


Whether urban gardening, the revival of indoor plants or the debate about green cities - the wallflower existence of landscape architecture is over. This is thanks to Günther Vogt. With his offices in Berlin, London, Paris and Zurich, the landscape architect shapes urban spaces around the world. In addition, Vogt taught as a professor at the Institute for Landscape and Urban Studies at the ETH for years. In an interview with Hannes Hug, Günther Vogt reveals what music is played in his Garden of Eden and how he works ​​in the tension between a green city and investment properties.

